Extra Curriculum Activities


Extra-curricular Clubs 2024-25

This is a breakdown of clubs organised so far, others may be added as the year progresses. We have increased the variety of clubs available and provided more clubs for the infant children across the year. We have also introduced lunchtime clubs this academic year.

Start dates and arrangements for clubs will be communicated by individual members of staff via Seesaw and letter.



School Council – 12:35-1pm with Mrs Newsham & Miss Bell, Rec-Y6 pupils by election

Relaxing art and music - 12;40-1pm with Mrs Coogan in Elm Classroom

WLSP â€“ 3:15-:415pm, different year groups on a rota basis, Autumn 2 Years 3&4 pupils - Gymnastics

Young Minds – 3:15-4pm with Mrs Coogan, KS2 pupils by application 

Reading Club 3.15-4.15pm with Mrs Murphy, Autumn Term Year 5&6 pupils

Gardening Club – 3:15-4pm , KS2 with Mrs Newsham 



Tune Tuesday - Morning Breaktime Music and dancing on playground run by Year 6 pupils

Board Games Club - 12:40-1pm with Mrs Newsham in Rowan Classroom

French Club - EYFS/KS1 12.30-1pm with Mdme McCready

Sports Club - 3.15-4pm with Miss Travis, Yrs 5 & 6 - the sport varies throughout the year

French Club - KS2 3.15-4pm  with Mdme McCready



Infant Reading/Story Club - 12:40-1pm with Mrs Murphy in Ash Classroom

Girls Football Club - 3.15-4pm, Yrs 3&4, with Miss Ashcroft (Parent Volunteer) 



Construction Club - 12:40-1pm With Miss Travis in Maple Classroom 

Football – 3:15-4:15pm with Mr Newsham and James, KS2 pupils

French – 3:15-4:15pm with Mme McCready, Rec/Y1 & Y2 pupils 



Funky Friday - 12:40-1pm Music and dancing on playground run by Year 6 pupils

Worship Group â€“ 12:05-12:35pm with Mrs Elleray, Y5/6 pupils

Digital Leaders – 3:15-4pm with Mrs Worden, Y5/6 pupils


During the year, other paid clubs (delivered by outside providers) will be offered at specific times, examples of these are Judo, Fencing, Archery.

School Choir will resume in the second half of the Spring Term 2025